About Me

So, who is Colin Bergen?

It’s this guy.
Soon to cross under the arch. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

Well. To begin, I’m a Georgian – the United States kind, not the one in Eastern Europe. I was born in Athens, grew up in Gainesville, moved to Dahlonega, and am now going to college back in Athens. You could say that there has been a circular arc to my life.

I’m a student at UGA currently pursuing a dual major in English and Entertainment Media Studies. My goal has been to improve myself as a storyteller and then utilize what I’ve learned towards a career in screenwriting. My hope is to write for a modern fantasy or cartoon series.

I’ve had the pleasure of making some weird films for my Entertainment classes.
Observe, the young Horror Author.

As you could imagine, my interest in writing came about when I was young. I was a voracious reader and TV watcher, raised by two movie-loving parents. I loved fiction. I loved to break it apart and put it back together, and I loved making stories of my very own. I fondly remember sitting on the classroom floor, a group gathered around me, as I told them horror stories I made up on the spot.

As I grew up and consumed more media, I found that my interests simultaneously (and paradoxically) broadened and also gravitated toward certain niches.

Created with the help of Canva.com.

I’m a fan of the very broad field of fantasy; however, more than that, I’m a fan of clever dialogue. I love stories that put the absurdity, pettiness, and remarkability of human nature at the forefront, and the writers I listed here do that so well with their words. My aim is to not only emulate these storytellers, but to create my own voice from their example and tell compelling stories.

Currently, I’m working for WUGA as a content producer for the Athens News Matters show. If you’re interested in my reporting, please check me out there.

Taken off the WUGA website.

If you’re interested in my fiction and reviews, please stick around! New content is always on the way.