8.5 x 11″

How                      fortunate I am

                              To be with myself

                              And the blank squares.

I live – love in the

[     ]

There’s air;

               It’s all you need (so I say).

Xerox shipped me

Aladdin’s carpet

A whole —        world*

               For me to drift – weightless

                              -like a draft-

                                             -I pass.

It’s a fairy tale

(“tomorrow is another day”)

The white plaster

a vast horizon – I promise.

Just sign your name


Let the draft into your pocket

               watch the shapes fly.

I am –    

               (am I?)

  • Fortunate

to                                                 be

a                                                  page

ready for the truth

in geometry.



let me be packaged

shipped (no charge)

like Moses

into pixels

left forgot-

ten in dimensions

of absence.

*your results may vary.

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